2023 - ZUS Festival
CONSERVING A LONG WALK with Liza Beutler, Lola Bott, Tina Henkel und Ái-Như Vo. Curated by Franciska Markus and Laura Schneider at ZUS-Art at ZUS-Festival at PARKS, Bullerdeich, Hamburg, 2023
95 jam jars with QR code are the preserved product of the temporary collaboration. On the linked website, audio contributions by each participant can be heard, which were created within the four-week preparation period and deal with localities of the neighborhood. In two- to fifteen-minute contributions, experimental descriptions of places and moods give an impression of the subjective experience. Starting point and exhibition location was the PARKS area in Hammerbrook. On two days of the ZUS festival, jam sandwiches were served in a kiosk and under a canopy, and headphones for the audios were offered. The two curators designed the working process through social encounters with picnics and walks and allowed an interactive exchange to happen. In the joint exploration phase, we found blackberry plants in many places, so we wanted to cook the ripe fruits directly at the site. However, the soil in the south of Hamburg is heavily contaminated with lead due to the industrial past, so in the end blackberries from Barmbek were processed for the jam. The original idea of dealing with forms of appropriation of space became a question of material and opened a discourse on soil conditions, the meaning of poison, collecting activities in public and the value of a jam from grandma.